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New Commercial Refrigerator February 10, 2011

Our Commercial Refrigerator was delivered to the Pantry. Arctic Refrigeration uncrated and installed the refrigerator. Thanks to the Grant received by Reid Hospital Community Benefits Committee. And thanks to the owner of Arctic Refrigeration (Chuck Cheeseman) we were able to buy the refrigerator locally.

Grant from Delta Zeta Chapter of Tri Kappa Sorority June 1, 2011

A Grant of $1000.00 received from Delta Zeta Chapter of Tri Kappa Sorority. The Grant will be used to help the Pantry install an Awning Enclosurer so those in need will be able to get out of the inclement weather due to the limited space in the Pantry.  The Community Food Pantry Board of Directors Thanks Delta Zeta Chapter of Tri Kappa Sorority for their kind consideration of those in need.


Grant from Wayne County Foundation September 30, 2011

Grant of $4200.00 from Wayne County Foundation.
The Grant will be used to install an Awning and Enclosure to help keep those in need out of inclement Weather due to the limited space in the Pantry. The Community Food Pantry Board of Directors Thanks Wayne County Foundation for 
their kind consideration of those in need.

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